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Mining Guild Settlement

The Mining Guild Settlements are locations on Sirris VI in the Sanctum System, to the Vale system, and the Nephis system, and finally Station Omacron in the Draco Eridanus System. They began from YE 41 to the present YE 42. This page details the standard settlements of the Mining Guild for most livable world's, with some deviations.

in early YE 45 the Mining Guild finished construction of a new mobile station called Station Decacron used by the Mining Guild Contingent.

About the Settlement

The Mining Guild operates in Mines typically where they dig and search the subterranean depths to find Ore, 1) and Gemstones. These locations aren’t always so close to the main settlements 2), that they can easily get on transport, and they’d be home in a second. Sometimes the travel very long and the workers are too exhausted. Because of this, the Mining Guild has created settlements next to these Mines so that there are places for rest and recovery.

Due in part to the need for protecting NDC materials, besides concerns over large predatory animals, the Settlements are walled, for the protection of the Miners, Overseers, and staff.


Typically, Settlements are located in easily defended areas, or areas that can easily be walled such as the Twins springs valley. In that case, the settlements are outside, this was to cut the cost and time on building air technology. Settlements are arrayed in a circle like a clock with the main offices in the middle, followed by Residential areas and recreational areas, including the Mess hall, before the Defense wall.

Those Settlements underground follow the same pattern. In either case, the landing pads have their area above the defense Wall, as these are reserved for supplies coming in, new Miners and Overseers, and also departing Employees. Should the Mining Guild find something new like tech, or something buried, these items are also taken here to be taken back to Obsidian City.

In cold environments, there are Paladin shield pylons arranged around the Settlements with a kind of environmental bubble that covers the entire settlement, along with heating units for warmth, as well as other technology.3)

History and Background

A month after the Mining Guild was formed, they established their first mine in the Twin Springs Valley and after that, seeing how tired their workers get and how most seem to always fall asleep and miss their stops on the transports they started designing a new settlement for their workers to live in when their workdays are over. The thinkers of the Guild came up with something that fit all their requirements, one being able to eat food, safety from predators, and a place to sleep and rest, so they aren’t overworked.

Finally, after what seemed like months of planning, they came up with a standard settlement for their people. Once other Mine locations were picked, they included their new standard settlement in the building process. They expanded with the New Dusk Conclave going to other systems, before being chartered one on a system full of asteroids Draco Eridanus. With new possibilities and new advances in technology, the Mining Guild found they could use techniques to get ice which can be made into water. They knew, of course, that they’d need new technology, and especially for their settlements. They began by developing and purchasing equipment for cold environments to get water.

Damage Capacity

Tier 15

Wall: Tier 8, medium Anti-Mecha

Shields: Tier 8 Electromagnetic field surrounding the settlement. [Bubble]

Settlement Layout

  • Outer Ring: Defenses, Maintenance Conduits
  • Secondary Outer Ring: Defense, Landing Pads, Transport Centers, Maintenance Conduits
  • Inner Ring: Storage Areas, Power Armor Bays, Maintenance Conduits
  • Mid Ring: Quarters, Recreation, Medical Center, Maintenance Conduits
  • Central Ring: Main Office, Computer, and Medical Center.


Total area of a Mining Guild Settlement: Square approximately six miles (9.7 km)


The Mining Guild Settlement, are places in which the Mining Guild Miners and Overseers Work, and live, and is like a village.


This section describes what is typically in a Mining Guild Settlement. Typically unless the planet has a breathable atmosphere, the Settlement will be outside in separate buildings, with a cave entrance to the Mines, but if not, then the settlement will be underground like a Vault Shelter.

Maintenance Tunnels

Beneath the bustling surface of the Mining Guild settlement lies a labyrinthine network of Maintenance Tunnels, a sprawling expanse where engineers navigate cavernous chambers to ensure the smooth operation of the entire complex. These tunnels, hewn from the solid rock or meticulously reinforced with sturdy materials, serve as vital arteries that pulse with the lifeblood of the settlement's infrastructure.

As engineers traverse the Maintenance Tunnels, they are greeted by a symphony of mechanical hums and rhythmic pulses, the sounds of machinery tirelessly at work. Each section of the tunnels is dedicated to a specific aspect of the settlement's functionality, meticulously organized to facilitate efficient maintenance and repair.

In the section devoted to life support systems, intricate pipes snake along the walls and ceiling, carrying vital gases and fluids to sustain the settlement's inhabitants. Engineers inspect these conduits with practiced precision, ensuring that no leaks or malfunctions compromise the delicate balance of the environment within.

Adjacent to the life support systems, the Power Core section hums with energy as power cords radiate outward from the central source of electricity. Here, robotic bodies stand ready for engineers to inhabit, providing a safe and efficient means of accessing the inner workings of the power infrastructure. With these robotic avatars, engineers can navigate hazardous environments and perform maintenance tasks with unparalleled precision, minimizing risk to themselves and ensuring uninterrupted power supply to the settlement above.

Further along the Maintenance Tunnels, massive machines loom like silent sentinels, their mechanical arms and sensors calibrated to regulate temperature and environmental controls throughout the complex. These guardians of climate and comfort work tirelessly to maintain optimal conditions within the settlement, adjusting temperatures, humidity levels, and air quality with meticulous precision.

As engineers navigate the cavernous depths of the Maintenance Tunnels, they are surrounded by the heartbeat of the settlement, the rhythmic pulse of machinery and the steady flow of essential resources. In these subterranean realms, where the inner workings of the settlement are laid bare, they labor tirelessly to ensure that the Mining Guild settlement continues to thrive and prosper in the harsh embrace of the earth. 4)

Medical Bay

The Settlement Medical Center stands as a beacon of hope and healing within the bustling confines of the Mining Guild settlements. Whether situated beneath the open sky or nestled deep within the rocky embrace of the earth, this vital facility serves as a sanctuary for miners and overseers alike, offering essential medical care and cutting-edge technology to ensure their well-being.

In its outward appearance, the Medical Center boasts a circular design, a nod to both functionality and efficiency. For settlements situated outdoors, the circular building rises proudly against the horizon, its sleek contours blending harmoniously with the natural landscape. Meanwhile, for those settlements nestled underground, the circular shape is retained, providing a sense of continuity and familiarity amidst the subterranean surroundings.

Stepping inside, visitors are greeted by a hive of activity as medical personnel bustle about, attending to the needs of patients with skill and compassion. The interior spaces are meticulously organized, with corridors leading to various treatment rooms, examination areas, and recovery wards.

Central to the Medical Center's operation is the state-of-the-art Auto-Doc technology, a testament to the Mining Guild's commitment to efficiency and cost-effectiveness. These automated medical systems line the rooms, equipped with advanced diagnostic capabilities and robotic precision to administer treatments and perform minor procedures with unparalleled accuracy. By relying on Auto-Docs for routine care, the settlement saves valuable resources and minimizes the need for human medical intervention.

In the heart of the Medical Center, a large circular room on the main floor houses the array of Auto-Docs, providing a centralized hub for medical care. Here, injured miners and overseers can receive prompt attention without the need to traverse great distances, ensuring swift access to essential treatment in times of need.

Above this bustling hub of automated activity, the doctors and medical staff oversee operations from their elevated perch. Equipped with specialized knowledge and expertise, these skilled professionals provide guidance, oversight, and intervention for more complex cases requiring other intervention. Their presence ensures that the Medical Center operates with the utmost efficiency and efficacy, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technology with compassionate care.

In this way, the Settlement Medical Center stands as a beacon of hope and healing, a testament to the Mining Guild's unwavering dedication to the well-being of its workforce. Whether above ground or below, its circular halls echo with the promise of restoration and renewal, a testament to the resilience of those who toil within the depths of the earth.5)

Storage Areas

Nestled within the heart of the Mining Guild settlement lies the Inner Ring, a vital hub where the fruits of labor and the necessities of life converge in a harmonious symphony of industry and organization. Here, amid the sturdy walls and bustling corridors, lie the storage areas that serve as repositories for the wealth unearthed from the depths below and the essential supplies needed to sustain the settlement's operations.

In these storage areas, vast chambers stretch out like caverns, their ceilings towering high above stacked crates and neatly organized shelves. Here, the Mining Guild stores the precious ores and gems extracted from the depths of the earth, each gleaming with untold potential and value. From veins of shimmering silver to clusters of glittering diamonds, these treasures await their fate, destined to be processed, refined, and ultimately traded for profit or used in the creation of valuable commodities.

Yet, the storage areas are not solely dedicated to precious minerals and gemstones. They also house a plethora of other items essential to the daily workings of the settlement. From tools and equipment needed by the miners to provisions and supplies for sustenance, every necessity finds its place within the meticulously organized confines of the Inner Ring.

Separate from the general storage areas are sections reserved for the exclusive use of Employees, Overseers, and other Staff.. Here, personal belongings and specialized equipment are stored securely, ensuring that each member of the Mining Guild has access to the resources they need to fulfill their duties effectively. From administrative documents to specialized gear, these dedicated storage areas cater to the diverse needs of the settlement's workforce, fostering efficiency and productivity in every aspect of operation.

As Miners and staff members alike traverse the Inner Ring, they are greeted by the sights and sounds of industry in motion, the air alive with the hum of activity and the clatter of machinery. Amidst the organized chaos, the storage areas stand as silent sentinels, guardians of the settlement's wealth and prosperity, ensuring that the Mining Guild remains well-equipped to face whatever challenges may lie ahead.


The Quarters section of the Mining Guild settlement stands as a testament to the hierarchical structure that governs life within its confines.

Overseer's Suite

Here, amidst the rows of modest buildings that house the miners, lies a singular structure that stands apart—a lavish room reserved exclusively for the Overseer.

Though only a few inches larger than the typical bunk-bedded accommodations of the miners, the Overseer's quarters exude an air of luxury and refinement befitting their esteemed rank. Stepping inside, one is immediately struck by the opulence that surrounds them—a spacious chamber adorned with fine furnishings and elegant decor, a sanctuary of comfort and prestige amidst the rugged surroundings of the mining settlement.

At the heart of the room stands a solitary bed, its plush mattress draped with sumptuous linens and adorned with intricately embroidered pillows. Unlike the cramped bunk beds of the miners' quarters, this bed offers ample space for rest and relaxation, a haven of tranquility for the Overseer after long days spent overseeing the operations of the mine.

Along the walls of the room, volumetric screens shimmer to life, displaying panoramic views of the outside world as if they were windows looking out onto the landscape beyond. As the Overseer moves about the room, the scenery shifts and changes, offering a dynamic glimpse into the ever-changing vistas of the settlement and its surroundings.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the Overseer's quarters are also equipped with a host of amenities designed to cater to their needs and preferences. A well-appointed desk provides a space for work and contemplation, while a private bathroom offers respite and rejuvenation after a hard day's work in the mines.

Yet, amidst the luxury and comfort, the Overseer's quarters also serve as a reminder of the weighty responsibilities that accompany their prestigious position. From their vantage point within the settlement, they oversee the operations of the mine, ensuring efficiency, productivity, and the well-being of their fellow miners. And as night falls and they retire to their lavish chamber, they do so with the knowledge that they bear the burden of leadership, guiding the fortunes of the Mining Guild with wisdom and foresight.

Miner Quarters

In the heart of the Mining Guild settlements, nestled amidst the rugged terrain and towering structures, lie the miners' Quarters—humble abodes that serve as the backbone of the settlement's workforce. These quarters, though modest in size, are meticulously designed to provide a comfortable and functional living space for the miners who toil tirelessly beneath the earth.

Stepping inside, one is greeted by a compact yet efficiently arranged room, where every inch of space is maximized for utility. Along one wall, closets provide ample storage for personal belongings and work attire, ensuring that miners have easy access to their gear and equipment. Adjacent to the closets, two desks stand side by side, each equipped with essential tools and supplies for administrative tasks and record-keeping.

In the center of the room, a singular bunk bed takes pride of place, its sturdy frame adorned with crisp linens and soft blankets. Though space is at a premium, the bunk bed features two mattresses stacked atop one another, providing comfortable sleeping arrangements for two occupants. Despite the snug quarters, there is ample room for miners to move about without bumping into each other, ensuring a sense of freedom and autonomy within their living space.

Like the Overseer's suite, volumetric screens adorn the walls of the Miners' Quarters, offering a glimpse into the world beyond their confines. Whether displaying panoramic views of the settlement's bustling streets or providing virtual windows into the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape, these screens serve as a source of connection to the outside world, even within the confines of the miners' humble abodes.

It is worth noting that the Miners' Quarters are designed primarily for individual occupancy or for small families of two people. However, in special cases where larger accommodations are needed, such as for families with children, arrangements may be made to assign more spacious quarters. These special cases are handled with care and consideration, ensuring that every member of the Mining Guild community has access to suitable living arrangements that meet their needs and promote a sense of belonging and well-being within the settlement.

Mess Hall

The Mess Hall stands as a colossal structure within the heart of the Mining Guild settlement, a bustling hub of activity and sustenance for the hardworking Miners, Overseers, and staff who call this place home. Its cavernous interior rivals that of a high school cafeteria, offering ample space for settlers to gather and replenish their strength with hearty meals throughout the day.

As the sun rises over the horizon, settlers begin to trickle into the Mess Hall, drawn by the promise of breakfast to fuel them for the day ahead. Throughout the morning, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the scent of sizzling bacon and eggs, enticing hungry miners to form a line at the counters where a tantalizing array of breakfast options awaits.

For lunch and supper, the Mess Hall becomes a hive of activity as settlers converge for their midday and evening meals. From savory stews and hearty sandwiches to flavorful stir-fries and comforting casseroles, the Menu boasts a diverse selection of dishes inspired by a variety of cultures and culinary traditions. Settlers eagerly line up at the counters, selecting their desired fare before finding a seat at one of the long communal tables to enjoy their meal in the company of friends and colleagues.

Depending on the settlement's proximity to key locations such as Amit Base, Obsidian City, or Arcadia, meal times may vary, with some settlements opting to serve only lunch and supper due to logistical constraints. Regardless of the timing, however, the Mess Hall remains a vital gathering place where settlers come together to share not only food but also camaraderie and conversation, forging bonds that transcend the rigors of daily life in the mines.

In addition to its role as a dining facility, the Mess Hall also serves as a convenient hub for shopping and other necessities. Kiosk Console Line the walls, offering settlers the opportunity to browse and purchase essential items, from personal hygiene products to recreational supplies. This integration of shopping facilities within the Mess Hall streamlines the settlers' daily routines, allowing them to fulfill their needs in a single convenient location.

In this way, the Mess Hall serves as more than just a place to eat—it is a vital lifeline that sustains the physical, social, and logistical needs of the Mining Guild settlement, fostering a sense of community and cohesion among its diverse inhabitants.

Crew Recreation

Within the bustling confines of the Mining Guild settlement, communal spaces like the Mess Hall and Quarters serve not only as places to eat and rest but also as hubs of social interaction and recreation. At the heart of these spaces lie the tables, where settlers gather to share meals, exchange stories, and unwind after a hard day's work. Yet, these tables offer more than just a surface for dining—they are equipped with cutting-edge volumetric displays that enhance the settlers' leisure activities and foster a sense of camaraderie among the community.

As settlers gather around the tables in the Mess Hall or Quarters, they have the option to activate the volumetric displays, transforming the tabletop into a versatile platform for entertainment. With a simple command, the display slides forward, projecting a holographic interface that offers a variety of interactive experiences. Settlers can immerse themselves in classic card games, testing their skills and strategy against friends and fellow miners. Alternatively, they can delve into the virtual world of video games, embarking on thrilling adventures or engaging in friendly competition with one another.

The versatility of the volumetric displays extends beyond traditional gaming experiences. Settlers can also access a wide range of multimedia content, from educational programs and documentaries to music and movies, providing a welcome escape from the rigors of daily life. Whether seeking entertainment, relaxation, or simply a means of connecting with others, the volumetric displays offer endless possibilities for recreation and enjoyment.

In addition to the recreational opportunities provided by the tabletop displays, the Mining Guild settlement also boasts a dedicated room for sports and exercise. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, this space serves as a haven for settlers seeking to maintain their physical fitness and well-being. Here, settlers can engage in a variety of sports and activities, from basketball and volleyball to weightlifting and cardio workouts. The room is designed to accommodate individuals of all fitness levels, encouraging participation and fostering a sense of community through shared physical exertion and camaraderie.

In this way, the Mess Hall, Quarters, and dedicated sports room come together to form the social and recreational heart of the Mining Guild settlement. By integrating advanced technology with opportunities for leisure and exercise, these spaces not only promote the settlers' physical and mental well-being but also strengthen the bonds of fellowship and solidarity that define life within the settlement.


In Mining Guild settlements nestled within the heart of a mountain or intricately carved into rock formations, the Passageways serve as the lifeblood of the complex. These tunnels wind their way through the labyrinthine depths of the settlement, connecting various chambers, workshops, living quarters, and resource nodes with an intricate network of pathways.

Carved with precision and care by skilled miners and engineers, these Passageways are more than mere conduits for movement; they are the arteries that pulse with activity, facilitating the constant flow of miners, engineers, and cargo throughout the settlement. Their walls, rough-hewn from the native rock, bear the marks of countless years of mining endeavors, each scar a testament to the toil and determination of those who have ventured within.

Despite the rugged environment, the Passageways are designed with a sense of practicality and foresight. Their dimensions are carefully calculated to accommodate the tallest beings, ensuring that miners and workers can traverse them with ease. Torch sconces line the walls, casting flickering shadows that dance across the rough surfaces, providing both illumination and an eerie ambiance to those who tread their paths.

The Passageways also serve as a testament to the ingenuity of Mining Guild engineers, featuring support structures and reinforcements that withstand the immense pressure exerted by the mountain's weight above. Strengthened with timber bracing and stone buttresses, these tunnels stand as a testament to the resilience of the settlers who call this subterranean world home.

In times of emergency or crisis, the Passageways become vital lifelines, offering a means of escape or evacuation should disaster strike. Yet, even in moments of calm, they remain a bustling thoroughfare, echoing with the sounds of pickaxes striking stone, carts rumbling along their tracks, and the voices of miners exchanging tales of triumph and hardship.

Thus, within the heart of these mountainous sanctuaries, the Passageways stand as silent witnesses to the toil and triumph of those who seek their fortunes beneath the earth, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Mining Guild.

Landing Pads

The Landing Pads represent the pinnacle of efficiency and functionality within the realm of New Dusk Conclave standards. Designed to accommodate the seamless arrival and departure of large groups of individuals, these pads boast ample space for both people and cargo. Their layout is meticulously crafted to ensure swift and orderly disembarkation, as well as efficient loading and unloading operations.

At first glance, the Landing Pads appear as expansive platforms, their surfaces engineered to withstand the weight of heavy payloads and the hustle and bustle of activity. Yet, it's not merely their size that sets them apart; it's their thoughtful design that truly shines. Strategic placement of access points and designated zones for passenger and cargo handling streamlines the entire process, minimizing delays and maximizing productivity.

Whether it's a large group of Miners returning from a dig, a diplomatic envoy arriving for negotiations, or a shipment of crucial supplies destined for deployment, the Landing Pads stand ready to facilitate the flow of personnel and resources with unparalleled efficiency. Every inch of space is optimized to ensure that every operation, whether loading or unloading, proceeds smoothly and swiftly.

Moreover, safety is paramount in the design of these landing pads. Robust barriers and clear demarcations ensure that both personnel and cargo remain secure throughout the entire process. Advanced security measures, including surveillance systems and access controls, provide an additional layer of protection, guaranteeing that only authorized individuals and items are permitted to enter or leave the premises.

In essence, the Landing Pads epitomize the fusion of form and function, embodying the NDC's and the Mining Guild’s commitment to excellence in logistics and operational efficiency. They serve as beacons of reliability, facilitating the movement of personnel and resources with precision and effectiveness.

Mine Entrance

The mine entrance is a vital gateway that leads to the heart of the Mining Guild's operations. It serves as the main access point to the extensive network of tunnels and chambers where valuable resources are extracted. while prioritizing the safety and well-being of all workers. Its robust infrastructure, advanced safety measures, and adherence to industry best practices reflect the Mining Guild's commitment to efficient and responsible mining operations.Here is a detailed description of the mine entrance:


The mine entrance is strategically located within the Mining Guild settlement, allowing convenient access for workers and equipment. It is typically situated near the outskirts of the settlement to minimize disruption to other activities.

  • Structure The entrance is reinforced with sturdy metal framework and reinforced concrete walls, providing stability and withstanding the pressures and vibrations generated within the mine. It is designed to withstand challenging environments and protect miners from potential hazards.
  • Signage and Safety Measures Prominent signage displaying the Mining Guild's logo, safety instructions, and warnings is prominently displayed near the entrance. Safety measures such as emergency lighting, fire suppression systems, and evacuation procedures are in place to ensure the well-being of all personnel.

Security To maintain control over access and safeguard valuable resources, the mine entrance is equipped with security measures. These may include identification systems, surveillance cameras, and access control mechanisms operated by Mining Guild security personnel.

Equipment and Infrastructure

Adjacent to the mine entrance, you will find designated areas for storing and maintaining mining equipment, such as Mole Claws, and Plazma Cutter/Torches, loaders, and conveyor systems. Infrastructure like maintenance bays, fueling stations, and supply depots are positioned nearby to support smooth operations.

Power Armor Bays

The Power Armor Bay is a large area of a room comparable to a Hall. Within this room are stands where the Power Armor Fit, which has an Armorer’s terminal, where Maintenance can be done on the Power Armor. Because of cleaning, and Coolant leaks, the floor around these stands are messy. There are two passageways in the room, one leads to the Mines, where the Miners work, the other is the entrance from the passages.

Ventilation and Air Quality

Specialized ventilation systems ensure proper airflow within the mine entrance, maintaining a safe and breathable environment for workers. Filters and air purification units help remove dust and harmful substances generated during mining operations, improving air quality.

Monitoring and Control

Sophisticated monitoring systems are installed to track various parameters, such as temperature, humidity, gas concentrations, and structural stability. This enables the Mining Guild to promptly address any potential risks or anomalies that may arise within the mine entrance.

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The Outer Walls of the Mining Guild settlement stand as formidable barriers, erected to protect the settlers and their valuable resources from the myriad dangers that lurk beyond. Crafted from a composite alloy of Durandium Alloy, Titanium, Tungsten, and Steel, these imposing fortifications are engineered to withstand the harshest of assaults and keep the settlement safe from harm.

Durandium, renowned for its unparalleled strength and durability, forms the backbone of the outer walls, providing a solid foundation upon which the defenses are built. Titanium, prized for its lightweight yet robust properties, reinforces the structure, enhancing its resilience without compromising agility or maneuverability.

Interwoven with these primary materials is Tungsten, known for its exceptional hardness and resistance to heat and corrosion. This addition further fortifies the walls, ensuring they remain impervious to the relentless onslaught of time and the elements. Finally, Steel, a time-honored staple of construction, lends its toughness and versatility to the composite alloy, adding an extra layer of protection against physical and elemental threats.

Together, these composite materials form a formidable barrier that stands as a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the Mining Guild's engineers and builders. Rising high into the sky and stretching far into the horizon, the outer walls encircle the settlement like a protective embrace, warding off any who would dare to threaten its inhabitants or their way of life.

While the outer walls serve as a formidable physical barrier against external threats, they are not the settlement's sole line of defense. Beyond their sturdy confines, an advanced Shield system stands vigilant, enveloping the settlement in an impenetrable barrier of energy that repels projectiles, deflects energy weapons, and shields against the harsh elements of the surrounding environment.

Though the outer walls are meant to serve as a last line of defense, their strength and resilience provide settlers with peace of mind, knowing that even in the face of adversity, their homes and livelihoods are safeguarded by the indomitable fortress that surrounds them.

Computers and Electronics

Within the heart of the Mining Guild settlement resides a sophisticated computer system, a technological marvel that serves as the nerve center of the entire operation. This computer, equipped with advanced artificial intelligence, controls and coordinates every electronic aspect of the settlement's infrastructure, ensuring efficiency, comfort, and safety for its inhabitants.

One of the primary functions of this computer system is to regulate the temperature within the settlement, maintaining optimal conditions to ensure the comfort and well-being of the settlers. With precision and efficiency, the AI continuously monitors and adjusts heating and cooling systems throughout the settlement, ensuring that inhabitants are neither too hot nor too cold, regardless of the external conditions.

In addition to temperature control, the computer system oversees the functionality of the settlement's lighting systems, ensuring that streets are adequately illuminated and buildings are well-lit for the safety and convenience of the settlers. Should any lights malfunction or fail, the AI swiftly identifies the issue and directs maintenance crews to address the problem, minimizing disruptions and ensuring continued functionality.

Furthermore, the Communications Center, operating in tandem with the settlement's computer system, facilitates communication both within the settlement and with external entities. Utilizing standard New Dusk Conclave communications protocols, the center transmits messages, requests, and updates as needed, ensuring seamless communication between settlers, overseers, and other settlements within the Mining Guild network.

But the capabilities of the settlement's computer system extend beyond mere comfort and communication. Equipped with an array of sensors and scanners, it serves as a vigilant guardian, constantly monitoring the surrounding environment for potential threats. These sensors detect not only changes in weather patterns but also the presence of wildlife and incoming ships, alerting the settlement to any potential dangers that may arise.

In this way, the Mining Guild's sophisticated computer system stands as a cornerstone of the settlement's infrastructure, providing essential services and protection to its inhabitants while ensuring the smooth operation of daily life within the confines of its walls. With its advanced capabilities and tireless vigilance, it serves as a guardian, watching over the settlement and its people with unwavering dedication and precision.

Emergency Systems

Incase of Emergencies, the Settlement uses the following.

Fire Emergency Systems

In the event of a fire emergency within the Mining Guild settlement, the sophisticated computer system springs into action with swift and decisive measures to ensure the safety of its inhabitants and minimize damage to the infrastructure. As soon as smoke is detected at a location within the settlement, the system initiates a series of automated protocols designed to contain and extinguish the blaze effectively.

First and foremost, the affected area is hermetically sealed off with steel doors, forming a barrier that prevents the spread of flames and smoke to adjacent areas of the settlement. This containment measure serves to isolate the fire, limiting its impact and allowing for a more controlled response.

With the area sealed, the system begins to siphon oxygen from the environment, depriving the fire of the vital element it needs to sustain itself. As oxygen levels decrease, the flames begin to diminish, their intensity gradually waning until they are extinguished altogether. This proactive approach not only prevents the fire from spreading but also reduces the risk of further damage to property and infrastructure.

Once the flames have been subdued, the system activates fire extinguishing foam dispensers installed throughout the affected area. The foam, specially formulated to smother and suppress fires effectively, is deployed in a precise and controlled manner, coating surfaces and extinguishing any remaining embers or hot spots.

With the emergency concluded and the fire extinguished, the sealed area is unsealed, allowing access for the Mining Guild's Custodians and Repair Drones "Apparition" to assess the damage and begin the process of cleanup and repair. These dedicated teams work tirelessly to restore the affected area to its previous state, repairing any structural damage and cleaning up debris and residue left behind by the fire.

Throughout the entire process, the computer system orchestrates and coordinates each step with precision and efficiency, ensuring that the settlement's response to the emergency is swift, effective, and coordinated. By leveraging advanced technology and automated protocols, the Mining Guild settlement is equipped to handle fire emergencies with confidence and minimize the impact on its inhabitants and infrastructure.

Flooding Emergency Systems

In the event of a flood threat looming over the Mining Guild settlement, the advanced computer system once again proves its worth by swiftly detecting the rise of water levels and initiating a series of proactive measures to mitigate the risk and ensure the safety of its inhabitants.

As soon as the early warning system detects the imminent danger of flooding, the system springs into action, deploying a network of pipes strategically installed throughout the settlement. These pipes serve as conduits to divert the excess water away from inhabited areas, directing it toward designated pits and empty tanks specifically built for this purpose. By channeling the floodwaters away from critical infrastructure and residential areas, the system aims to prevent widespread damage and safeguard the settlement's inhabitants.

However, in the event that the volume of water exceeds the capacity of the diversion system, the computer system recognizes the need for more drastic action to protect the settlement and its residents. With precision and foresight, it issues an evacuation order, alerting the populace to the imminent danger and directing them to evacuate to designated safe zones within the settlement.

Simultaneously, the system activates emergency protocols to request assistance from the Host nation's military forces. Additional ships are dispatched to the settlement, ready to assist in the evacuation efforts and provide support and resources as needed. These ships stand ready to transport settlers to safety, whether to higher ground within the settlement or to other nearby locations deemed secure from the flood threat.

As the evacuation proceeds, the settlement's residents are guided and supported by the coordinated efforts of the computer system, the military personnel, and the settlement's leadership. Together, they work tirelessly to ensure that every individual is safely evacuated and accounted for, minimizing the risk of harm and loss of life in the face of nature's fury.

Once the floodwaters recede and the threat has passed, the system orchestrates the return of the settlers to their homes, coordinating cleanup and restoration efforts to repair any damage caused by the flooding. Through its proactive approach and efficient response, the Mining Guild settlement emerges from the flood crisis stronger and more resilient, ready to face whatever challenges the future may bring.

Life Support Systems

The following are the Life Support Systems

Oxygen Systems

In the intricate web of life-support systems that sustain the Mining Guild settlements, the ability to breathe safely and comfortably is paramount. However, the methods employed for ensuring breathable air vary depending on the location of the settlement and the nature of the mines they oversee. Settlements situated in open-air environments, such as Twin Springs Mine, capitalize on natural airflow to provide a steady supply of fresh oxygen to their inhabitants.

In these open-air settlements, sophisticated technologies are employed to monitor and regulate air quality, ensuring that harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other pollutants are effectively filtered out. Specialized filtration systems capture and neutralize these hazardous gases, purifying the air and making it safe for breathing.

Once purified, the oxygen-rich air is circulated throughout the settlement via a network of vents and ducts, ensuring that every corner of the settlement receives a steady flow of fresh air. Residents breathe easy, knowing that the air they inhale is clean and safe for their health and well-being.

However, even in the most meticulously maintained environments, the risk of encountering hazardous gases cannot be entirely eliminated. In the event that dangerous gases are detected, the settlement's defense systems spring into action, deploying specialized tanks designed to trap and contain these hazardous substances.

Inside these tanks, careful heating processes are employed to separate the atoms of the hazardous gases, rendering them harmless and inert. Meanwhile, a specialized force field technology acts as a barrier, allowing only oxygen molecules to pass through while keeping the hazardous gases securely contained within the tanks.

Through the seamless integration of advanced filtration, circulation, and containment technologies, the Mining Guild settlements ensure that their inhabitants can breathe easy, even in the most challenging and inhospitable environments. Whether nestled in the open air or nestled deep within the earth, the settlers of the Mining Guild can rest assured that their life-support systems will keep them safe and comfortable as they continue their vital work in the mines.

Waste Disposal

Within the Mining Guild settlements, waste management is a carefully orchestrated process, designed to maximize efficiency and minimize environmental impact. As waste accumulates, it is transported to a centralized facility where advanced technologies are employed to sort and process the various materials for recycling and disposal.

Upon arrival at the waste processing facility, non-organic waste is directed to a large tank where a massive magnet traverses the ceiling, attracting metal items and lifting them from the rest of the waste stream. These metal items are then transported to a separate tank where they undergo further sorting using an advanced system of conveyor belts and sorting mechanisms.

In this sorting facility, precision machinery categorizes the metal items into proper compartments based on their composition and properties. Once sorted, the metal is then prepared for recycling through a series of smelting processes. The metal is melted down and merged into a molten state, ready to be cast into new forms.

Before entering the molds, however, the molten metal undergoes another round of separation to ensure purity and quality. Any remaining impurities or contaminants are removed, ensuring that the final product meets the highest standards of quality and performance. Once purified, the molten metal is poured into molds, where it cools and solidifies into ingots ready for shipment to the various factories of the New Dusk Conclave or other host nation.

Meanwhile, organic waste, including bodily waste like manure, follows a separate but equally efficient process. Broken electronics are carefully dismantled, with the metal components extracted and sorted alongside other metal items for recycling. The remaining materials, such as plastics and electronic components, are sorted into their respective compartments for recycling or disposal in accordance with environmental regulations.

Through this comprehensive waste management system, the Mining Guild ensures that waste is not simply discarded but repurposed and recycled wherever possible. By harnessing advanced technologies and sustainable practices, the Mining Guild strives to minimize its environmental footprint and contribute to the conservation of natural resources for generations to come.

Other Life Support Systems

In the intricate web of life-support systems that sustain the Mining Guild settlements, the provision of clean water and optimal environmental conditions is paramount to the well-being of its inhabitants. Among these essential systems are aqueducts that transport water throughout the settlement, ensuring a steady supply for drinking, sanitation, and hygiene purposes.

The water delivered through these aqueducts undergoes a rigorous filtration process, quadruple-filtered to remove even the smallest contaminants, including microbes. This ensures that the water provided to settlers is of the highest quality, free from any impurities that could pose a health risk. Additionally, any salt present in the water is separated and diverted to a separate area, where it is repurposed for other applications, ensuring that the drinking water remains pure and palatable.

With access to clean water assured, settlers can enjoy the convenience of flushing toilets and working sinks, essential amenities for maintaining hygiene and sanitation within the settlement. Whether for drinking, cooking, or personal hygiene, settlers can rely on the availability of clean, potable water to meet their daily needs.

In addition to water supply and sanitation, the Mining Guild settlements are equipped with advanced climate control systems that ensure optimal comfort and safety for inhabitants, regardless of environmental conditions. In cold environments, the settlements are protected by heating systems that maintain a comfortable temperature, shielding settlers from the harsh cold and ensuring their well-being even in the depths of winter.

Conversely, in hot environments, the settlements are equipped with state-of-the-art air-conditioning technology that provides relief from the sweltering heat, maintaining a cool and comfortable environment for inhabitants to thrive. These climate control systems are designed to adapt to the specific needs of each settlement, ensuring that settlers can live and work in conditions that are conducive to their health and comfort.

Moreover, the settlements are engineered to accommodate the religious and cultural preferences of their inhabitants, with temperature controls set to levels that allow for modest attire without sacrificing comfort. Whether in the heat of summer or the chill of winter, settlers can adhere to their religious practices and cultural traditions without compromising their well-being or comfort.

In this way, the Mining Guild settlements prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of their inhabitants, providing essential life-support systems and amenities that enable settlers to thrive in even the most challenging environments. Through advanced technology and thoughtful design, these settlements offer a sanctuary where settlers can live, work, and prosper in harmony with their surroundings.

Shield Systems

Within the fortified confines of the Mining Guild settlements, the walls stand not only as bastions of defense but also as marvels of engineering ingenuity. Embedded within the stout stone or sturdy metal structures are pylons of advanced technology, their sleek surfaces housing the intricate mechanisms that generate and project barrier shields.

These barrier shields serve as the first line of defense, enveloping the settlement in a shimmering, translucent dome of energy. Powered by the settlement's abundant energy sources—perhaps fueled by geothermal vents or sophisticated fusion reactors—the pylons hum with power as they emit the protective field, creating a barrier that repels projectiles, deflects energy weapons, and shields against the harsh elements of the surrounding environment.

The scope of these barrier shields is expansive, extending high into the air to encompass the entirety of the settlement and its immediate surroundings. Yet, the architects of these defenses have shown foresight in their design, ensuring that the barrier shields are configured to leave the Landing Pads unobstructed. Ships can enter and exit the settlement freely, their trajectories unimpeded by the protective field.

However, this strategic allowance does not compromise the security of the settlement. Cleverly engineered algorithms and sensor arrays monitor the airspace above the Landing Pads, instantly detecting any unauthorized or hostile craft that attempt to breach the settlement's perimeter. Should such a threat be detected, the barrier shields can be swiftly adjusted to close off the Landing Pads, preventing entry or escape until the threat has been neutralized.

In times of peace, the barrier shields serve not only as defenses but also as symbols of the settlement's resilience and technological prowess. They shimmer in the sunlight or glow softly in the moonlight, casting an ethereal aura over the settlement and its surroundings. Yet, beneath their tranquil exterior, they stand ever vigilant, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice to safeguard the lives and livelihoods of those within.


Within the fortified confines of the Mining Guild settlement, formidable defenses stand sentinel against any threat that dares to approach. At the forefront of this defensive arsenal are the S6-TLAC "Cavalry" which are twin linked autocannons, sophisticated weapons engineered for precision and efficiency.

These Autocannons boast a revolutionary design, featuring a twin-barrel alternating system that maximizes firepower while minimizing heat generation. Each barrel fires in rapid succession, unleashing a hail of high-velocity projectiles upon any target foolish enough to venture within range. The alternating firing sequence ensures a constant stream of firepower, allowing the Autocannons to maintain sustained suppressive fire without overheating.

To further enhance their effectiveness, coolant systems are integrated beneath the surface, dissipating excess heat and maintaining optimal operating temperatures. These advanced cooling mechanisms operate with near-silent efficiency, virtually eliminating the Autocannons' thermal signature and rendering them nearly invisible to heat-seeking sensors.

Mounted atop the sturdy walls of the settlement, the Twin Linked Autocannons scan the horizon with keen electronic eyes, their targeting systems calibrated to track and engage any hostile entities detected within their range. Operated by AI defense drones housed within robotic bodies, these formidable weapons are capable of independently identifying and neutralizing threats with deadly accuracy.

In addition to the Twin Linked Autocannons, perimeter turrets dot the landscape, providing additional layers of defense to safeguard the corporation's valuable assets. These automated emplacements bristle with firepower, their sleek forms blending seamlessly into the surrounding terrain as they stand ready to repel any incursion with lethal force.

Together, these integrated defenses form an impenetrable barrier around the Mining Guild settlement, ensuring the safety and security of its inhabitants and resources. With their advanced technology and unwavering vigilance, they stand as a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Mining Guild in protecting its interests against all who would dare to oppose them.

Ship Complement

There is room made for 500 Magpie Industrial Shuttles and a 1,000 Stork Personnel Transport.

But at this moment, the Industrial shuttles and Personnel Transports are just loading and offloading.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2020/08/24 18:44.

approved by Andrew here

Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 41
Potentially lost Tech from some Ancient Civilization
Obsidian City, or Arcadia, for example
Art by Wes using midjourney
4) , 5)
art by Charaa using copilot

places/mining_guild_settlement.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/31 21:28 by